Lucas Fayolle

Lucas Fayolle is a French web developer based in Berlin, Germany. His website features a clean interface with smooth transitions that follow the grid-based design.

Alireza Ravanipour

Alireza Ravanipour is an Iranian-based graphic designer who is currently completing his studies communication design and graphic at Academy of art in Hamburg, Germany. His website features overlayed screens that pay homage to a print-based portfolio.


Kettle is a design studio based in NYC. This colorful website features an animated navigation and a changing background that gives the viewer a playful and engaging experience.

Plus Mûrs

Plus Mûrs is a design studio based in Nantes, France. This website features a draggable slideshow with a neat index of projects and a sliding overlay navigation.


Resn is a creative agency based in Wellington, New Zealand. This website features various web-based experiments as the viewer clicks and holds the 3D drop.